Free Issuance of ID Cards for Women Beneficiaries across Several Governorates within the framework of the Women’s Citizenship Initiative "Your ID, You Rights"


The Civil Status Sector, in coordination with the National Council for Women, organized photo shoot missions to issue and renew ID cards for women beneficiaries in villages throughout the country in the latter part of 2021.This work is carried out under the framework of the national Women’s Citizenship initiative “Your ID, Your Rights”, which is implemented under the leadership of the National Council for Women and is in part supported by UN Women Egypt, through the generous support of the Government of the United Kingdom. The NCW’s Women’s Citizenship initiative aims to increase women’s access to national IDs and to increase their awareness about available public services so as to enhance women’s social, economic, and political role in the society.

Through mobile units that are technically and logistically equipped, the Civil Status Sector to carry out all procedures on the spot and is thus able to issue national ID cards for women at no cost within 24 hours.

These photo shoot missions are dispatched to highly populated, underprivileged areas and villages in the governorates of Cairo, Giza, Alexandria, Damietta, Menoufia, Matrouh, Minya, Sohag, Beni Suef, and Bahariya Oasis.

The national initiative ensures specific responses are in place to support elderly women and women living with disabilities, whereby home visits are carried out instead to finalize all procedures for issuing their ID cards without any additional costs to the individuals.

The national Women’s Citizenship initiative has reached large numbers of women and girls in many governorates. During the period from 2020 to 2021, the total number of ID cards issued to women in need reached 54,600 and, for example, in Ezbet El-Borg in Damietta governorate 133 ID cards were issued to women within one day, and 157 women and girls in Safaga were photographed and their ID cards were issued.

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