UN Women welcomes unprecedented national efforts to support survivors of sexual assault and harassment
For immediate release
Cairo, 15 July 2020- Egypt is witnessing incredible social momentum in support of survivors of gender-based violence, including sexual assault and harassment. The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in Egypt applauds the courage of the many women who have experienced violence and have spoken out and welcomes the strong national response, led by the National Council for Women (NCW), in support of survivors of violence against women to ensure accountability of perpetrators.
UN Women Egypt notes with encouragement the national efforts taken to end all forms of violence against women, particularly through recent legislative reforms and policy initiatives to uphold and safeguard the rights of women survivors of violence that are enshrined in the Egyptian constitution; provide greater access for survivors experiencing violence to quality essential multi-sectoral services; and implement national programmes aimed at prevention of and response to violence against women. These advancements are significant steps to achieving the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 5 and its target (5.2) on the “elimination of all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation” and the National Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030, which explicitly seeks to end all forms of violence against women.
“Violence against women is a global phenomenon. Eliminating all forms of violence against women requires not only robust legislation and nationally led, accessible support services, but also requires communities, families, peers, employers…all of us….to support the voice of survivors and to end the stigma associated with coming forward. The space and respect which survivors of sexual assault and harassment in Egypt are being given right now is unprecedented and it is a beacon to other countries in the region to take note and take stock of how women survivors are treated.” stated Christine Arab; UN Women Country Representative.
UN Women Egypt reconfirms its commitment to support the national efforts to ensure that Sustainable Development Goal 5 to achieve gender equality is accomplished by 2030.
For more information, please contact Maha Rateb; Communication and Advocacy Analyst at [ Click to reveal ]
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