Profile of Rural Women

Profile of rural women

Rural Egypt is home to 58% of the Egyptian population. Rural areas are characterised by stricter patriarchal familial and societal structures than urban areas. However, rural Upper Egypt (where 44% of Egypt’s rural population is located) and rural Lower Egypt (56% of the rural population) differ significantly in terms of their socio-cultural norms and the associated economic and political context. Disparities also exist with regards to the roles, responsibilities and social status of women, and their subsequent land ownership rates. Rural Upper Egypt shows higher gender gaps than rural Lower Egypt in significant areas such as health, literacy and poverty.

This brief aims to provide a snapshot of the situation of women in Rural Egypt by providing information and data on the following issues:

  • The main institutional commitments for women’s rights, including the rights of women in rural areas;
  • Some facts and figures on the situation of women in rural areas, as well as some of the main challenges they face;
  • Egypt’s strategic framework to improve women’s rights, including rural women; and
  • UN Women Egypt’ s work in supporting women’s political, economic and social empowerment in rural areas.
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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Arab States/North Africa Egypt
Publication year